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  • Why ‘Routine’ Is Your Skin’s Favorite Word
    You can have all the will (and fancy products!) in the world, but without a consistent skincare routine, you might as well kiss healthy skin goodbye.

    ‘Routine.’ Granted, it’s not the most glamorous word in the world, but it’s probably one of the most important ones when it comes to the health of your skin. It’s all well and good arming yourself with bazillions of skincare products and all the beauty knowhow you can lay your hands on, but if you’re not consistently nailing the important basics through a carefully thought-out daily routine, then the rest is basically pointless.

    Great skin is something we all dream of. It doesn’t need to be perfect, but if we can help it to be, look and feel its absolute best then we’re happy. Great skin doesn’t just happen, however. It requires work and care. It needs to be protected from the grinds of everyday life (yes, we’re talking to you sunshine, pollution, stress and so on), and it needs to be kept clean, hydrated, balanced and moisturized. After all, if you neglect your skin and the damage is already done, it’s almost impossible to reverse it.

    According to the Oxford English dictionary, the definition of routine is ‘a sequence of actions regularly followed.’ Sound pretty simple, right? Then let’s have a look at how to build an awesome skincare routine that a) you can stick to and b) is effective…  

    The Importance Of WHAT You Put On Your Skin… And HOW!

    While we believe the best daily routine includes cleanser, toner, eye cream, serum, moisturizer and sunscreen, ultimately, there are only three steps your skin genuinely ‘needs.’ One is cleanser; two is moisturizer and three is sun protection. Of course, the old skool routine was to cleanse, tone and moisturize but we’ve since realized that skin can probably survive without toner… but it’s much more damaging to go without sunscreen.

    Don’t get us wrong, we would never dismiss all those other products that work super hard to amp up your routine and target specific concerns like dark spots, fine lines and dark under eye circles. However, when it comes down to the fundamental basics, cleanser, moisturizer and sunscreen are everything.

    1. Cleanser

    Cleansing is the start of your routine, and choosing the right formulation is worth its weight in gold. Dermatologists recommend cleansing your skin twice daily (plus after exercising), using gentle formulations that are free of harsh, potent chemicals that can upset your barrier function. Certain alcohols like alcohol denat are best avoided as are sulfates and parabens that can irritate your skin and suck all the important oils from the surface. Instead, stick with gentle, non-abrasive products for daily use – whatever your skin type.

    When you cleanse, take a few minutes to massage the product into your skin with your hands. This will help blood flow and lymphatic drainage to really up your glow factor. Oh, and don’t forget that hot water is the enemy. Use lukewarm water only, rinsing well and then gently patting with a clean, cotton towel.

    2. Moisturizer

    No matter what comes between your cleanser and moisturizer, this important step can make or break your routine. And consequently the state of your skin. Go too bold with thick, heavy ingredients that are too rich and you could break out lightning fast. Similarly, if your moisturizer is too light your skin can end up feeling super dry and dehydrated.

    The key is to find a moisturizer that works in complete harmony with your skin type. Moisturizers need to have two main components: humectants which draw in water to hydrate the skin, and emollients or occlusives that lock in hydration and leave a certain smoothness to the skin. Oily or combination skin types should avoid occlusives like cocoa butter and coconut oil as these create a protective layer on the skin’s surface which blocks the pores. But other than that, it’s fair game. Humectants like hyaluronic acid, aloe vera and glycerin? Incredible… and very important for all skin types. Emollients like jojoba oil and vitamin E? Ditto.

    To get the most from your moisturizer, smooth it all over your skin in upwards strokes to lift and firm your complexion. You could also apply it when your skin is still a little damp to lock in hydration.

    3. Sunscreen

    We get bored of hearing ourselves bang on about sunscreen, but until it becomes the norm for everyone to apply it on the reg, we will continue. Why is sunscreen so important? Because it not only protects your skin from the perils of premature aging, but it also reduces your chances of developing skin cancer.

    The sun is present all year long, and its harmful UV rays are also around every day, doing the best they can to damage your collagen, ruin your elastin and screw up your DNA. This is why sunscreen is mega important every day (not just on the beach!), and on every area of exposed skin. To ensure you get good protection from both UVA and UVB radiation, look for broad-spectrum formulations that have an SPF of at least 30 – that’s the sweet spot most derms recommend. Apply around a nickel-sized amount to ensure you get the right amount of protection.

    The Importance Of WHEN You Apply Your Skincare

    A good skincare routine isn’t just about knowing which products to use, you also need to know how and when to apply them.

    Sunscreen obviously isn’t required before bed. Because that would be pointless. And certain retinol products, strong actives or exfoliants might only be necessary a couple of times a week. But the rest of your routine should be carried out morning and night, unless otherwise stated on the label.

    Then, it’s all about getting your order right. Obviously you should cleanse first, before toning, but then what? Well, if you’re using some kind of treatment serum for acne or pigmentation this should follow your toner. Next, would be an antioxidant serum like vitamin Chyaluronic acid or niacinamide, followed by your eye cream, moisturizer and face oil.

    Sunscreen is vital every morning and, without question, always comes last because most formulations (and especially mineral sunscreens) are designed to sit on the surface of your skin. If you apply sunscreen before your serum, for example, it’ll block all those delicious ingredients from penetrating your skin and doing their job. Money. Down. The. Drain.

    If this skincare layering order doesn’t stick in your head just remember that your thinnest product should be applied first, with the thickest, most dense product going last.

    Finally, The Importance Of Being Patient… & Consistent

    Expecting miracles from your skincare routine right from the off is setting yourself up for failure. Most products take time before they’re able to offer you the positive results you’re after. Retinol, for example, can take weeks, if not months before you really start to see the benefits, so be patient and stick with it.

    Go to bed ten minutes earlier to give yourself the time to cleanse, treat and moisturize your skin before you turn in. Similarly, set your morning alarm five minutes earlier to ensure you have enough time (and therefore no excuses not!) to apply sunscreen. 

    Ensuring your routine becomes a habit is such an easy thing to do. And it's so worth it in the end.

    Skincare Routine
    Why ‘Routine’ Is Your Skin’s Favorite Word
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  • 10 Ways To Switch Up Your Skincare For Fall
    Fall might not feel like a drastic change in the weather but to maintain glowing skin all year round, it’s wise to adapt with the seasons. Here’s how to get on that.

    As you know, maintaining a consistent skincare regime is something we feel very strongly about here at TruSkin. Crushing a twice daily cleanse? Vital. Moisturizing your skin after every cleanse? Ditto. And protecting it daily from the damaging rays of the sun? Well, you know what our feelings are on that one. However, as the seasons switch it’s always wise to take a long, hard look at what you put on your skin to see if it’s in sync with the changes in the weather.

    Right now, we’re talking fall – the season of pumpkins, pie, knitwear and new coats. And it’s official: fall is the best time of year. Well, try arguing that with the 41 percent of adults who cite fall as their favorite season, anyway.

    Where your skin is concerned, fall is the perfect time to repair summertime damage while preparing your skin for what winter will inevitably bring – which is mainly dryness and dehydration. It’s also a great time to start out with a new retinol or antioxidant regime.

    Keep scrolling for 10 ways to tweak your skincare regime so that it a) doesn’t interrupt your bang-on regime too much, but b) keeps you on top of the seasonal changes…

    1. Tackle Post-Summer Dark Spots

    After a summer of intense UV radiation it’s a smart move to scrutinize your skin for any patchy areas, dark spots or changes in your moles. Feel like the latter might be a concern? Then book yourself in for a check immediately, just to be sure. For any other discoloration issues, we recommend vitamin C which is a whizz at maintaining better control over melanin production, thus helping to brighten and even out your skin tone. Fan-favorite Vitamin C Facial Serum is a shoo-in. Obvs.

    2. Treat Yourself To A Humidifier

    Wasting money on pointless gadgets is so not our thing. But things that actually benefit the skin? Those we can get on board with. And one we’re massively into is the humidifier. Fall and winter are notoriously ‘dry’ months in which the air contains less moisture than during spring and summer. That’s bad news for skin hydration. Humidifiers, however, add moisture back into the air which means more for your skin to soak up. Get one for your bedroom, specifically, so your skin can relish in all that extra moisture as you sleep.

    3. Layer Up With Hydration

    Along with a humidifier, you should also add extra hydration into your daily skincare routine. And what better way than by layering up with a serum that contains one or more humectants? Humectants like glycerin, aloe vera and hyaluronic acid work like magnets to draw water into the top layers of your skin. They’re super smart. And super important, especially during fall and winter. Try Hyaluronic Acid Facial Serum, layered underneath your moisturizer.

    4. Keep On Top Of Your Sunscreen

    Before we go any further, let’s address the elephant in the room: sunscreen. Everyone’s favorite love-to-hate product, sunscreen plays an important role in skincare – come summer or fall.

    Here’s the thing: the sun is present EVERY DAY, even when it’s cruddy outside, because sunshine is about light, not just heat. Sure, you might not feel the sun on your skin on cold, cloudy days, but it’s still there. In fact, according to the American Academy of Dermatology, up to 80 percent of the sun’s harmful UV rays penetrate right through clouds. UVA rays in particular are constant all year round. And they’re the ones most responsible for deep skin aging. So don’t file away your sunscreen just because September is over. You need SPF 30 Mineral Sunscreen every day. Lecture over.

    5. Go All Over With Moisture

    Moisturizing is your skin’s best friend, so as colder months approach it’s important not to begin and end with your face. A lack of humidity in the air can seriously contribute to dry, itchy skin on your arms, back, legs and your entire body, so get your barrier function back in order, up hydration and load up on head-to-toe moisture.

    6. Be Kinder As You Cleanse

    Turning up the water temperature is extremely tempting as the months turn chilly, but hot water is a bad idea for your skin as it sucks away moisture and strips away vital oils. Keep it lukewarm and use a skin-forgiving cleanser to retain hydration and replenish your barrier function. We love Soothing Cleansing Milk for the ultimate in gentle cleansing.

    7. Give Your Skin A Break

    If you have sensitive skin or suffer with conditions like eczema, rosacea or psoriasis, seasonal changes can be a real trigger for flare-ups and irritation. So lay off the active ingredients for a while and put a pin in exfoliation for a week or so. Instead, go back to basics by nourishing your skin with gentle ingredients like aloe vera and shea butter.

    8. Start Right With Retinol

    Thinking of adding retinol to your skincare routine? Well, now’s a great time to do so as you’re less exposed to strong sunlight in the fall and winter months. UV radiation can break down the efficacy of retinol which is why it’s often advised to apply it at night time only. Start now, however, and you’ll minimize these effects even more.

    We love Retinol Facial Moisturizer which contains plenty of delicious moisturizing ingredients to counteract any further dryness or irritation. It’s a retinol miracle!

    9. Love Your Eyes

    The skin around your eyes is thin and extremely fragile so it can be greatly affected by transitions in the weather. Dryness, itching, redness and puffiness? A real thing if you don't treat this area with the love and respect it deserves. And we can help with that with our new Depuffing Longevity Eye Cream which contains bakuchiol to help strengthen the skin, as well as glycerin and aloe to hydrate, plus coffeeberry extract to reduce the appearance of puffiness and dark circles.

    10. Cut Back On Exfoliation

    Exfoliating regularly in the summer months is fine because all that extra humidity helps your skin remain sturd, giving it the strength to deal. However, as the air dries up your barrier function can become dehydrated and therefore less able to hold its own against all that buffing and scrubbing. The solution? Either cut down your exfoliation routine to once a week, or go for a gentler product that contains non-abrasive exfoliants like lactic, glycolic or salicylic acid. Try Ocean Minerals Super Toner which offers gentle exfoliation after cleansing to revitalize your skin without irritation.

    Skincare Routine
    10 Ways To Switch Up Your Skincare For Fall
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  • The No-Sweat Bedtime Skincare Routine (That Works!)
    Prepping your skin for an awesome night’s sleep is super important – and good news, you don’t need to sweat over it…

    Quality skin isn’t solely about what you do in the morning and consequently what you see throughout the day. Of course, an effective morning routine that includes gentle cleansing, moisturizing, treating and protecting your skin is essential and, without it, your complexion would be a far cry from what it is today.

    However, what your skin gets up to overnight, and what you do to help or hinder this, is just as important. Maybe even more so. 

    While you sleep, your skin kickstarts a whole plethora of damage limitation processes. Not only does blood flow increase to nourish and revitalize the skin, but collagen and elastin production accelerates to boost cell renewal and help keep your skin strong, supple and firm. Your body’s natural antioxidant system also revs up to counteract damage from the slings and arrows of everyday life. Think pollution, UV radiation, sweating, irritants – all of which hit your skin hard while you’re awake. This means your poor, delicate skin needs a serious amount of recovery time if it’s going to look, feel and perform at the top of its game.

    Enter the power of a good night’s sleep.

    Research shows that people who get regular, quality sleep (around eight hours is the sweet spot) have much better skin than those who sleep less, like five hours. This is because short-sleepers miss out on precious time to allow their skin’s overnight restoration activities to do their magic.

    Don’t be like those people. Get. Your. Sleep.

    In order to get the most out of your invaluable hours of sleep, it’s vital to start your skin off right. And how do you go about that? Well, you must cleanse away the sins of the day for starters, then it's important to amp up hydration; boost those antioxidants, and protect and nourish your barrier function. Sounds complicated? Ha, that’s where you’re wrong. In fact, the simplest night time skincare routine is often the most effective. Read on for five easy steps for nailing your skin's best beauty sleep ever…

    1. The Non-Negotiable Cleanse

    Newsflash: cleansing before bed is way more important than a morning cleanse. Think about it, by the end of the day you’ve been awake for a good 16 hours and in this time your skin has been subjected to all manner of aggressors including dirt, pollution, sweat and makeup. Do you really want to leave all that grime on your skin overnight? No way! Not only does this stop your skin from functioning properly, but it’ll also reduce the efficacy of any other skincare product you might apply afterwards.

    Whatever your skin type and product preference, the golden rule is to cleanse your skin thoroughly but gently, using a mild formulation and avoiding harsh cleansing agents like sodium lauryl sulfate. Use warm, not hot water to help protect your barrier function; massage your cleanser all over your face and neck for at least a minute, and remember to rinse thoroughly then gently pat dry with a clean towel. Our current go-to is our new Tea Tree Super Cleanser+ but we have three incredible cleansers to choose from right here.

    2. The Speedy Spritz That Speaks Volumes

    Toner doesn’t have it easy. Some people hate it, others just can’t be bothered. But the thing is, toner is an extremely simple step that can really turn up your bedtime skincare routine an extra notch. Take our Ocean Minerals Super Toner, for example. Not only does it require zero effort (remove lid, spritz on skin, done) but it’s packed with minerals, vitamins, peptides and nourishing ingredients that finish off your cleanse to the nth degree and prepare your skin for the next steps in your routine. Fancy boosting cell turnover, hydration and strengthening your skin in, literally, seconds? It’s a no brainer, right?

    3. The Restoration Project

    Remember that whole rejuvenation process we spoke of earlier? Well, if you want to give your skin a little nudge in the right direction, you have to get on board with a treatment serum. The exact formulation you choose will obviously depend on your skin type and needs (vitamin C for brightening, hyaluronic acid for hydration etc.) but if you want to stick with the number one ingredient for overnight skin restoration, look no further than retinol.

    Retinol’s secret is its ability to ‘communicate’ with your skin at a cellular level, accelerating the production of collagen and elastin, improving cell turnover and being an overall demon at strengthening your skin while increasing elasticity and refining everything from lines and wrinkles to dark spots and acne breakouts.

    Retinol is often advised for night time use only as it's pretty potent stuff. It also reacts to sunlight, becoming less effective unless you protect your skin extremely well. So bed time is the best time, people!

    Try our Retinol Facial Serum for a fabulous overnight skin revamp, but remember to go slow, applying it just two or three times a week to begin with.


    4. The Treatment For Your Eyes

    If you’ve ever had a rough night’s sleep you’ll know that the skin around your eyes is the first area to give the game away. How so? Because it’s thinner, more delicate and contains fewer sebaceous glands than the rest of your face so it becomes dry and shows up fine lines and wrinkles lightning fast.

    A lack of sleep also causes the blood vessels under the skin to dilate which increases blood retention and creates dark circles. And we're not done yet. An abundance of cortisol in your system (the stress hormone that goes awry if you don’t get enough sleep) also changes the balance of salts in your body which makes it retain water and can result in swelling under your eyes. Hello puffy eye bags!

    The moral of this story? Get your zzzs and help the skin around your eyes look after itself by applying a targeted treatment before bed. We love Hyaluronic Acid Eye Cream which blends HA with vitamin C to hydrate and brighten dark circles, plus vitamin B5 to strengthen and moisturize.

    5. The Moisture Lock-In

    Sure, your regular moisturizer will do a decent job of locking in hydration and keeping your barrier function ticking along nicely as you sleep. But is ‘decent’ good enough? We don’t think so. Instead, do the best for your skin by applying a targeted night cream that boasts all the ingredients your skin could possibly need to replenish moisture and support its overnight renewal system.

    Vitamin C Deep Hydration Night Cream is an awesome way to end your night time routine and will have your skin looking incredible the next morning. Chock full of supportive ingredients like vitamin C, vitamin B5, MSM and aloe it’s the ideal formulation for the night shift. Plus it seals moisture into your skin to help replace that which is lost as you sleep (which is way more than in the daytime, btw!). Oh, and it feels amazing to apply. Yeah yeah, we know that’s not the most important thing in a skincare product, but it’s important to us.

    And we know it’s just as important to you!

    The No-Sweat Bedtime Skincare Routine (That Works!)
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  • The Difference Between Dry & Dehydrated Skin
    Always figured that dry skin and dehydrated skin were one and the same? Easy mistake. But one that can totally ruin your skin’s mojo…

    Skin types, nuances, niggles and concerns are easy to get in a jumble. Because we’re all human, after all. But the problem is if you don’t understand the skin type or condition you’re dealing with, how are you supposed to, well, deal with it?

    Dry and dehydrated skin are classic cases in point. If you look at the words ‘dry’ and ‘dehydrated’ it’s easy to see why they appear to be the same things. But on the contrary: dry and dehydrated skin are their own individual beasts and they sometimes need to be dealt with quite differently.

    Here’s what we know…

    What Is Dry Skin?

    Just like oily, normal or combination skin, dry skin is the type you were born with. Sure, it can change slightly over the years as your skin ages and matures, but your skin type is your skin type. End of story.

    Skin types are all based on one thing: sebum. Sebum is a complex mix of oils and lipids that’s produced by your skin’s sebaceous glands. Still with us? Good because sebum is super important for the health of your skin. It not only locks in moisture to keep your complexion soft and supple, but it also helps protects your skin from external aggressors like pollution, UV radiation and toxins. As we said, super important.

    Everybody’s skin is different and produces sebum at its own individual rate. And this is all determined by your genes. If your skin is fairly balanced then you have that elusive normal skin. Jealous, much? If your sebaceous glands are crazy-active and produce more sebum than your skin needs, you have oily skin. Maybe yours produces more in certain areas (the infamous t-zone) than others? Then it’s known as combination skin.

    And, then there’s dry skin which is lacking in sebum thanks to having fewer sebaceous glands and therefore less available sebum to nourish, moisturize and protect your skin.

    How To Tell If You Have Dry Skin

    Dry skin can occur anywhere on your face and body, and it often feels tight, itchy and uncomfortable. It may also be prone to flaking or cracking and feels kind of rough when you run your fingers over the surface. More fun news: dry skin often gets worse thanks to things like extreme weather conditions, emotional stress, certains meds, poor skincare choices and, surprise, surprise, the aging process.

    3 Tips For Dry Skin

    You can’t change the skin you were born with, but you can offer dry skin help when help is definitely needed. Here’s how…

    1. Make Moisturizer The Biggest Deal Ever

    Moisturizers that are rich in occlusive ingredients are the best bet for dry skin. Occlusives and emollients help seal cracks on the skin's surface, and they add a protective layer over your barrier function, making up for the lack of sebum your skin naturally produces.

    Look out for rich creams that contain ingredients like cocoa butter, shea butter, jojoba oil and coconut oil. And moisturize after EVERY cleanse. No arguments. A great choice for you? Our Vitamin C Deep Hydration Night Cream which is packed with botanical oils and cocoa butter.

    2. Avoid Alcohol

    In your skincare that is, not in your glass.

    Cetyl and stearyl alcohols are totally fine, but certain alcohols like isopropyl alcohol and alcohol denat are extremely drying on your skin, stripping away sebum (which you don’t have enough of in the first place!) and seriously upsetting your barrier function. Cleansers, in particular often contain nasty alcohols but avoid them at all costs. Choose our NEW Soothing Cleansing Milk instead. No regrets.

    3. Be Gentle With Actives

    Vitamin C, retinol, glycolic acid and salicylic acid are all great but if you have seriously dry skin, you need to be careful not to overload your skin with powerful ingredients that have the potential to strip away what oils your skin does – or in your case, does not – have.

    Niacinamide is a great alternative antioxidant for dry, sensitive skin. You could also try our Vitamin C Facial Serum (after patch testing first, of course). This awesome serum contains sodium ascorbyl phosphate (SAP), a much gentler form of vitamin C.

    What Is Dehydrated Skin?

    In the opposite corner, we have dehydrated skin which first up, is NOT a skin type, but a condition – normally a temporary one. Small mercies, right?

    Dehydrated skin has nothing to do with your skin’s level of sebum, but is all about its water content. Healthy skin should contain around 64 percent water to maintain optimum elasticity, strength, volume and moisturization. And your skin has a very smart protective layer called its barrier function, which helps keep all this moisture in. When your barrier function becomes compromised, however, thanks to harsh cleansing, over-exfoliation, poor sleep, a cruddy diet or a lack of moisturization, moisture starts to escape more than it should. And therein lies the perfect recipe for dehydrated skin.

    How To Tell If You Have Dehydrated Skin

    No matter if your skin is oily, combination, dry or normal, it can still be dehydrated. Dehydration may feel tight like dry skin, but if it feels both oily and dry at the same time, chances are it’s actually dehydrated, rather than dry.

    Dehydration will make your skin look duller than normal and any fine lines or wrinkles will appear more prominent thanks to the lack of water keeping your skin full and healthy-looking. You may also notice dark circles around your eyes or more frequent breakouts. Joy.

    3 Tips For Dehydrated Skin

    Dehydrated skin still requires gentle moisturization to help seal in water but there are a few extra things to also bear in mind…

    1. Go Big On Humectants

    Humectants are to dehydrated skin what jelly is to PB – priceless. Humectants are skincare ingredients that work like water magnets, luring it to your skin’s surface to seriously increase your skin’s moisture content.

    Hyaluronic acid is the obvious show-stopper, but glycerin and aloe vera are also seriously good. Try our Hyaluronic Acid Facial Serum before moisturizing day and night and take it one step further with Hyaluronic Acid Eye Cream to help deal with dehydration around the eye area at the same time.

    2. Exfoliate, But Be Kind

    Dehydration and dull skin often go hand-in-hand so make sure your skin is turning over efficiently – because it’s super important. Gently exfoliate with a facial scrub once or twice a week, or try Ocean Minerals Super Toner daily. This toning treatment contains glycolic acid, an effective alpha hydroxy acid (AHA) that dissolves the ‘glue’ which binds dead skin cells together at the skin’s surface. By doing so, this helps your skin renew and revitalize itself quicker and, well, much better.

    3. Avoid Hot Showers

    Long, scorching showers are very dehydrating for your poor skin. Hot water breaks down your barrier function, stripping away essential moisture AND sebum which can encourage dryness as well as dehydration. Very uncool. Ha, literally.

    Stick to lukewarm showers and always moisturize after getting your skin wet – preferably while your skin is still damp to seal in as much moisture as possible.

    Hyaluronic Acid
    The Difference Between Dry & Dehydrated Skin
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  • How To Moisturize Your Skin For The Best Results
    There are tons of ways to make your moisturizing routine work harder for your skin. And if it’s doing a better job, your skin will look way healthier because of it. 

    When it comes to your daily skincare routine, applying cleanser, toner and moisturizer is kind of second nature. But if you’ve become somewhat slap dash with the way in which you use your favorite products – ‘squeeze bottle, shove on skin, done’ –  you’re doing your skin a serious disservice.

    Moisturizer, in particular, deserves a little (don’t worry, it’s just a little) care and attention. From the product you use to how and when you apply it, a few tweaks here and there can make the world of difference.

    Read on for seven ways to make your moisturizer go that extra mile. With very little effort on your behalf!

    Invest In The Right Formulation For Your Skin

    Understanding your skin type and knowing how to enhance, balance and complement it is super important when choosing moisturizer. So, first make sure you know your skin type as well as what your skin’s doing right now. Then you can invest accordingly with lighter formulations if your skin is oily, for example, or something richer if it’s feeling dry and parched.

    The golden rule for superior moisturizing is to ensure your formulation includes a blend of multi-functioning ingredients that not only draw water into your skin (humectants like hyaluronic acid, glycerin and aloe) but also seal all that moisture in. These include emollients like jojoba oil or shea butter which are lighter and ideal for combination or oily skin; or occlusives which are richer, heavier and include the likes of cocoa butter, olive oil and petroleum jelly.

    Apply Moisturizer To Damp Skin

    Being a speed demon with your moisturizer? Priceless. Don’t get us wrong, however, by this we don’t mean slapping it on in sixty seconds flat. Instead, this is all about applying it quick smart after the previous step in your routine.

    Your skin basically needs water to remain soft, radiant and healthy, so one of the most important things you can do is to use whatever moisture you can get. This means that if you’re a simple cleanser and moisturizer person, you should always apply your moisturizer after cleansing while your skin is still damp. And if you like to tone? Ditto, get your moisturizer on your skin pronto while your toner is still damp on the surface of your skin.

    Moisturize AFTER Applying Serum

    Serum is an important step for anyone hoping to target skin concerns like dehydration, aging, dark spots or dull skin, but it MUST be applied before your moisturizer, never afterwards.

    If you’re into your serums then a) good on you, we love you for that, and b) ensure you apply yours to damp skin after cleansing and toning, but before moisturizing. Serums have a smaller molecular size than moisturizer which means they sink in super fast and don’t require you to wait before applying moisturizer. However, this does mean they have to be applied before moisturizer, otherwise they simply won’t work.

    Use The Correct Amount Of Moisturizer

    Often wondered how much moisturizer to use? Well, it’s actually quite simple – read the instructions on the packaging! Sure, it’s easy to fall into the trap of applying tons of moisturizer to dry skin, or applying the smallest amount to oily skin, but this shouldn’t be necessary if you’re buying the right product for your skin type.

    Most moisturizers will tell you how much is a good amount to use and it’s usually around the size of a dime. Of course, some people have smaller or larger faces than others, so obviously a little leeway is fine, but roughly stick to the directed amount and you won’t waste unnecessary product where it’s not needed.

    Massage As You Moisturize

    OK, so you don’t need to be the best masseuse in the world in order to reap rewards from your moisturizing routine. But a little hands-on action is an incredible way to improve blood flow to the skin which brings oxygen and nutrients to the surface while helping to flush away nasty toxins.

    And all it takes is an extra minute or so. You can manage that, right?

    Simply use the pads of your fingers and palms of your hands to work the moisturizer into your skin using circular, upwards movements. Avoid tugging and pulling at your skin (that is a definite no-go area), however. The key is to be fairly firm, but gentle at the same time. We know that sounds bit like a contradiction in terms but hopefully you get where we’re coming from?

    Moisturize Morning & Night No Matter What

    Moisturizing needs to be done twice daily, after every time you cleanse your skin. This is important because it helps replace natural oils and water that get lost during the cleansing process, ensuring your skin remains healthy and constantly moisturized day and night.

    Fun fact: moisturizing before bed is arguably more important than applying it in the morning. How so? Because skin typically produces less sebum at night.

    Finally, Don’t Ignore Your Neck

    A common moisturizing habit is to treat your face like royalty but completely forget about your poor neck. Big mistake. The skin on your neck actually contains fewer sebaceous glands than your face which means it produces way less sebum to keep it naturally moisturized. When you combine this with the face that your neck is exposed to things like sun damage and pollution just as much as your face, it’s no wonder it becomes dry, dehydrated and ages up lightning fast.

    The moral of the story? Treat the skin on your neck with the same amount of TLC as your face. This means cleansing and moisturizing twice a day and, of course, applying SPF every morning.

    And that's the least you can do.

    Hyaluronic Acid
    How To Moisturize Your Skin For The Best Results
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  • Is Your Skin Prepared For Summer?
    Sweatier skin and oilier pores are inevitable as climbing temperatures and higher humidity hits. So get ahead of the game with our tips for preparing your skin for summer…

    Summer officially started on June 21. So it’s time to take a close look at your skin to ensure it’s ready for everything that gets thrown at it when warm, sunny weather arrives.

    Hotter temperatures and higher levels of humidity have various effects on your skin – some good, some not so good. And when you couple new weather conditions and more time in the great outdoors with the realization that more of your body is about to be on show, it’s easy to let summer skin issues come up and bite you on the butt.

    Let’s not that happen, shall we? Here’s what to do over the next few weeks to get your skin summer-ready.  

    Invest In Some Chemical Exfoliation

    Exfoliation is a tricky game. Do it too much and you chance irritation, redness and sensitivities taking over your skin. But avoid it altogether and you can end up with dull skin, clogged pores and worse yet, pesky breakouts. During the winter months it’s prudent to tone down how often you exfoliate your skin to avoid dryness and dehydration adding to your winter woes. However, as summer approaches, you can definitely up the ante – especially if you have normal, oily or combination skin.

    We’re big believers in chemical, rather than physical exfoliation as a much more gentle approach to accelerating cell turnover and encouraging dead skin cells to hop it. Try our awesome Ocean Mineral Super Toner every day before moisturizing which contains glycolic acid to exfoliate as well as minerals and vitamins to nourish and protect your skin.

    Go For Light, Hydrating Layers

    Rich creams and heavy moisturizer might be your go-tos when it’s cold outside, but come summer you’d be wise to lighten up your moisturizing load. Now, this does NOT mean avoiding moisturizer altogether – that’s crazy talk – but you can definitely trade in the big guns for lighter textures that concentrate on drawing all that extra moisture from the air into your skin.

    Great ingredients for hydrating your skin are hyaluronic acid, glycerin and aloe vera so try the powerhouse combo of Hyaluronic Acid Facial Serum followed by Vitamin C Brightening Moisturizer which is loaded with aloe and glycerin.

    Shorten Your Shower Time

    Long, hot showers may feel incredible when it’s freezing outside, but they’re terrible for your skin, sucking out all the moisture and compromising your super important barrier function. Also, it should be much warmer outside now, so… really?

    Turn the temperature of your water down to lukewarm to limit your skin’s chances of becoming inflamed or irritated, and give yourself five minutes max to shower. Studies show the average shower takes around eight minutes so by reducing this by three minutes will also save more than six gallons of water. Per day. Added bonus for our precious planet right there.

    Up Your Cleansing Regimen

    We always err towards the gentle side of cleansing, but scorching temps make your skin sweat more and this, coupled with sunscreen and what can often seem like a never ending supply of excess oils, needs to be dealt with – especially before bed.

    Invest in a cleanser that means business, but don’t be fooled by oil-stripping formulations that are packed with drying alcohols, synthetic fragrance and harsh sulfates. They’re seriously bad news and will just make your skin even more oily in the long-term. Instead, try our Charcoal Clarifying Cleanser which is the cat’s whiskers at gently mopping away sebum to balance and detoxify your skin. We call it the perfect summer skin prep in one handy little tube.

    Give Your Body Some TLC

    For most of us, our legs, tums, arms and chests have been hidden away for the past nine months or so. But there’s a chance at least one of these body parts is about to see the warm light of day. So it’s probably time to up your bodycare routine, pronto.

    Treat yourself to a body loofah, mitt or scrub and gently buff your skin while in your (five minute!) shower. Concentrate on your arms, elbows, legs and butt but go carefully over your chest area as the skin here is thin and very fragile.

    Also, don’t forget to moisturize with a light lotion after showering – preferably while your skin is still damp. Unless you have super dry skin, we recommend avoiding rich butters or heavy oils as these can block your pores and cause breakouts.

    Don’t Forget Your C-Vitamins

    Pre-summer is literally the best time to introduce our good pal vitamin C into your skincare routine. Packed with antioxidant properties to nip those nasty free radicals in the bud, it’s one of our favorite ways to counteract the damaging effects of the sun. It also helps inhibit melanin production to reduce your risk of annoying summertime dark spots. Finally, research shows it can also help strengthen the power of your sunscreen, giving you a double dose of UV protection.

    Try our G.O.A.T. Vitamin C Facial Serum which is a kind of must all year long. But especially now and through the summer months.

    Keep Some Tea Tree Oil Up Your Sleeve

    Summer pimples and blackheads are downright annoying, but for anyone with oily or hormonal skin, they’re also a given because sweat and oil just can’t help but build-up on the surface of your skin. Regular cleansing is a must, of course, but to really get ahead of face and body breakouts, arm yourself with some tea tree oil.

    Our Tea Tree Super Serum+ is ideal to keep in your vanity as it contains not one zit-fighting ingredient, but two: tea tree oil AND salicylic acid. Dab it on cleansed, problem areas before bed or apply it all over two or three times a week after cleansing with Tea Tree Super Cleanser+.

    Ensure SPF Is Second Nature

    We know you apply facial sunscreen all year round – you do, DON’T YOU? – but if there’s ever a time to ensure you’re doing it, it’s now. UVA rays are present all year long, even on cloudy days, but UVB is much more prevalent in the summertime so this is non-negotiable for the next few months. Then it’ll be part of your routine anyway so you can continue forever more. See what we did there?

    Apply SPF 30 Mineral Sunscreen with Vitamin C every morning without fail to your face, neck and chest, and invest in a broad-spectrum body sunscreen for any other exposed areas of your skin. Reapply regularly if you’re in the sun all day and try to stay in the shade as much as possible to reduce your risks of short- and long-term sun damage. Neither of those are good. 

    Skincare Routine
    Is Your Skin Prepared For Summer?
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