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True Radical Honesty From Our Community

  • 10 Reasons Why Our Vitamin C Facial Serum Is THE BEST!
    Our Vitamin C Facial Serum is 10 years old! We figured, therefore, that what better time to celebrate this fan favorite than by highlighting 10 of its finest attributes.

    Vitamin C is a big deal at TruSkin HQ. In fact, it’s the reason we’re here in the first place. For way back in 2013 we started out with our first ever skincare product: Vitamin C Facial Serum. And we don’t mind admitting, we knew we were onto something, right off the bat. Why the ballsy confidence? Well, we had both the knowledge and the technology required to produce quality, plant-powered skincare that harnessed the power of this incredible antioxidant while being free of unnecessary additives, synthetic fragrances and harsh preservatives. And cleaner, more conscious skincare was something that, even then, was already gaining momentum in the beauty industry.

    Admittedly, it’s easy to say in hindsight how confident we were with this small but mighty serum, but in truth, little did we know just what a triumph Vitamin C Facial Serum would turn out to be. Or how its success would enable us to expand our skincare range to cover everything from gentle cleansing and toning through to professional-grade exfoliation and clinically-proven suncare.

    But no matter how many new products we launch and how advanced we become, Vitamin C Facial Serum will always be a firm family favorite. After all, it’s still, by far, our best-selling product and currently has over 140,000 awesome reviews on Amazon. Sounds like a lot, right? Yeah, that’s because it is!

    So, in honor of Vitamin C Facial Serum’s 10th anniversary, here’s a celebration of everything that’s great about this incredible brightening and protecting skin treatment…

    1. As the name suggest, Vitamin C Facial Serum is based on the antioxidant properties of vitamin C. Antioxidants are extremely important for your skin because they help neutralize environmental and lifestyle damage that’s inevitable on a daily basis thanks to things like pollution, UV radiation, stress and a cruddy diet.

    As antioxidants go, vitamin C is arguably one of the most trusted and effective. It truly works like a dog to fight free radicals (they’re the bad boys that screw up your collagen) and help keep your skin healthy and youthful-looking. It was a shoo-in for our first foray into skincare. And boy, what a winner it turned out to be!

    2. The thing about vitamin C is that it comes in many forms, some of which can be mildly irritating on the skin – especially if you err on the sensitive side. This is why we decided to skip l-ascorbic acid which is the pure, topical version, in favor of sodium ascorbyl phosphate (SAP).

    SAP is a salt form of vitamin C and has to be converted back to ascorbic acid in order for your skin to enjoy its benefits. Why is this such a good thing? Well, l-ascorbic acid can be too potent for some skin types, often causing dryness, redness and mild stinging when applied directly to the skin. Switching up to SAP, however, and allowing your skin to convert it back into ascorbic acid after application, significantly reduces your chances of irritation. 

    3. Pure vitamin C can be very unstable, swiftly breaking down when exposed to light and air. This means it can lose its potency way quicker that you’d really want it to. It’s also why many vitamin C face serums are often combined with ferulic acid – because ferulic acid helps preserve the vitamin. But it also smells. Like, really bad. And we’re so not into that.

    Thankfully, the salt in SAP gives it a much more stable pH helping to preserve it so that it remains effective right until the last drop. No weird hot dog smells here, thanks very much.

    4. Vitamin C has many benefits for your skin. The biggest one is its success in fighting off free radicals which helps keep your collagen in good shape. Collagen, as you know, is everything when it comes to healthy skin because it provides it with strength, support and resilience, helping you to ward off the visible signs of premature aging like fine lines, wrinkles, dark spots and sagging skin.

    5. Collagen isn’t the only benefactor here, however. Vitamin C has also been proven to help keep your skin radiant and glowing. And it does so by inhibiting melanin production.

    Melanin is the pigment that gives your skin (as well as your hair and eyes) its color. Melanin production is triggered by many things including exposure to the sun which causes your melanocytes (melanin-producing cells) to multiply in a bid to help absorb and scatter damaging UV radiation. This makes your skin tan in the summer months, but it can also result in an uneven distribution of melanin which can make your skin look uneven and patchy. Yes, hi there dark spots.

    Applying our Vitamin C Facial Serum (as well as sunscreen EVERY MORNING) is a great way to keep melanin and those inevitable dark spots under control.

    6. We could sing the praises of vitamin C forever, but our Vitamin C Facial Serum is so much more than just one single ingredient. It’s also super hydrating thanks to hard-working humectant ingredients like hyaluronic acid, kosher vegetable glycerol and aloe vera which help draw moisture to the skin’s surface. Dehydration is a common skin woe and can happen to anyone – no matter the skin type – so ensuring your skincare routine contains humectants is essential.


    7. There are many other important ingredients in Vitamin C Facial Serum (soothing vitamin E, moisturizing botanical oils to name a few) but another key favorite is MSM.

    MSM stands for methylsulfonylmethane (which is why it’s always shortened!). It’s an awesome skincare ingredient because it plays a vital role in the production of collagen and elastin while promoting healthy blood flow, fighting inflammation and helping to protect your skin from environmental damage. It’s also been shown to help the skin become more permeable which allows toxins to escape more readily and enhances your skin’s ability to absorb other active ingredients in your skincare products. Oh, and it’s pretty much tolerated by all skin types.

    Again... check! 

    8. Of course, what’s also important about this skin-loving face serum are all the things we do NOT include. Like all of our skincare formulations we say no to unnecessary ingredients that could potentially compromise your skin or our planet. This includes things like harsh sulfates, parabens, phthalates and PEGs.

    Vitamin C Facial Serum is also clinically- AND dermatologist-tested, ideal for vegans and 100 percent cruelty-free.

    9. Quick fact. Vitamin C Facial Serum won’t break the bank. In fact, you can nab it for less than 30 bucks. Just thought we'd throw that out there!

    10. Finally, our Vitamin C Facial Serum has a ton of fine friends, enabling you to enjoy the fabulous benefits of vitamin C across your entire skincare regime. From your cleansing and exfoliation routines through to your morning and bedtime moisturizing rituals, SAP is here for you.

    Just remember, no matter how gentle SAP is, it’s still an active ingredient so it’s always wise to patch test new products before using them properly for the first time. Not sure what patch testing is all about? No problem, we’ve got your back, right here.


    Vitamin C
    10 Reasons Why Our Vitamin C Facial Serum Is THE BEST!
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  • We Really Need To Talk About Free Radicals
    Free radicals might sound like a good thing. Newsflash, they’re not.

    There are tons of ingredients and so much jargon in the skincare world, it’s often hard to keep up. And, do you know what? You really don’t have to be able to reel off every detail about every single alpha hydroxy acid. Similarly, we’ll never test you on the spelling of methylsulfonylmethane. Because even we have to constantly look that one up… and it's basically why we call it MSM ;)

    However, in order to make informed decisions about what you do and do not put on your skin, there are certain skincare words, ingredients and terms that are important to know about.

    And free radicals make that list.

    So, What Are Free Radicals?

    Do you want the long or the short answer to that question? Well, the short answer is that they’re extremely bad news when it comes to the health of the skin because they’re nasty components that break down collagen, elastin and even your DNA.

    The (slightly) longer answer is that they’re highly reactive, unstable atoms that form in your skin when it’s been exposed to things it doesn’t like. Think UV radiation, pollution, cigarette smoke, a sugar-rich diet and you’ll be on the right page.

    Atoms have electrons orbiting them which usually come in pairs so they can work together to stabilize and balance themselves. When they’re exposed to internal or external aggressors, however, these atoms split and get left with unpaired electrons which makes them lose their stability. And this is when they become free radicals.

    Free radicals are unstable and they don't like that about themselves, so they go on a scavenger hunt, stealing electrons from wherever they can find them – often from healthy cells in your skin (and body). This leads to oxidative stress and no end of damage.

    How Do Free Radicals Affect The Skin?

    Not in a good way, that’s for sure. You’ve seen what happens to an apple when you take a bite out of it and leave it unfinished? It turns brown, right? Well this is caused by free radicals and is also a result of oxidation.

    Of course, your skin doesn’t feel the damage quite so quickly as a poor old apple, but it’s the same process. Cell membranes, proteins and DNA all start to wither as they become starved of valuable electrons; ones they really can’t afford to lose. The result is that collagen and elastin production becomes compromised and your natural moisturization levels dwindle. Continue to allow this to happen and your skin will prematurely age as a result. Fine lines and wrinkles will appear quicker than expected, your skin may start to sag before its time and your complexion will generally look sad and dull.

    The word is, free radicals are bad news and you really don’t want them to get the better of you.

    The Best Way To Win The War Against Free Radicals

    One word: antioxidants. Antioxidants are to free radicals what Batman is to the Joker. They’re the good guys that stop free radicals causing damage to your precious skin and, like most skincare companies, we talk about antioxidants A LOT. It's because they work.

    Unlike other molecules which become damaged and turn into free radicals themselves when an electron is snatched away, antioxidants are able to neutralize free radicals by donating electrons without losing stability. They’re uber cool and totally stop the skin-damaging chain reaction that free radicals so desperately want to achieve. Take that, free rads!

    So where do antioxidants come from? Well, your body has a natural antioxidant defense system that works hard to keep you healthy, and, er, free radical-free, but this weakens as you get older which is why it requires help from external sources. Including plenty of antioxidant-rich fruit and veggies in your diet is a great start, but topical antioxidants are the best way to really target your skin and help keep your complexion strong, supple, radiant and youthful-looking.

    Topical antioxidants can be found in all manner of skincare products but we believe, to really maximize their powers, you have to include an antioxidant serum in your routine. Serums have a small molecular structure than other products (this is why they’re deliciously thin and silky to apply). This allows them to really penetrate the skin and deliver powerful, active ingredients deep beneath the surface. Exactly where those free radicals are trying to do their worst.

    Want in? Then say hello to three of the best antioxidant serums for neutralizing free radicals...

    1. Vitamin C Facial Serum

    This baby has clocked up over 140,000 reviews on Amazon and, in our opinion, can do no wrong. The ultimate facial serum for brightening your skin, it harnesses the clinically-proven prowess of vitamin C to fight free radicals and keep your skin looking its absolute best. And if you’re a little scared of the strength of pure vitamin C, the good news is we use sodium ascorbyl phosphate (SAP). SAP is a much gentler version and offers all the same benefits, but with fewer side effects. This award-winning serum also contains vitamin E and hyaluronic acid to hydrate and soothe your skin. A legit favorite.

    2. Niacinamide (B3) Facial Serum

    Niacinamide might not be as well-known as vitamin C, but it should never be dismissed because, boy, is it good. A great treatment for most skin types, niacinamide is known as the soothing, calming antioxidant because it’s extremely well tolerated by the skin. That makes it an excellent choice for sensitive skin or acne-prone skin. It also improves the natural production of ceramides in your skin to fortify the surface and strengthen your barrier function. Like our Vitamin C Facial Serum, this incredible serum is also powered by vitamin E and HA to deliver everything your skin needs in just one application.

    3. Retinol Facial Serum

    Retinol is commonly known for rebuilding the skin by improving cellular turnover and accelerating quality collagen production. But it’s also a darn fine antioxidant which makes it an great all-rounder for halting the visible signs of aging and nixing those pesky free radicals before they get a chance to do some serious damage. It’s hard to resist the all-round geniusness of retinol but remember, it’s pretty potent stuff so needs to be treated with respect. Click here for the lowdown on how best to make retinol a successful part of your skincare regime.

    We Really Need To Talk About Free Radicals
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  • Does Your Skin Type Determine How You Age?
    Does dry skin age differently to oily skin? Actually, it kinda does. Read on for everything we know about how your skin type affects the aging process.

    Aging skin is something that affects us all. Yes, you can care, nurture, protect and nourish your skin like your life depended on it, and this will most certainly slow down the visible signs of aging. But you can’t stop aging from happening to some degree. Because that’s life.

    The reason aging is inevitable? Time, for one thing. But, there are many other factors that affect the speed at which your skin matures. Firstly, there are the external factors. These are the ones you can control and include everything from your levels of stress, your skincare routine and how much sleep you get, through to your diet and of course how prudent you are at shielding your skin from the damaging rays from the sun. (As a sidenote, the sun is the single biggest external cause of skin aging  – * immediately reaches for SPF 30 Mineral Sunscreen with Vitamin C.)

    Then, on top of all these external factors, there’s all the genetic stuff going on in your body; your internal clock that you can’t change. Your genetic makeup is what determines your skin type and, with a little help (or, more to the point, hindrance) from external factors, it also controls how much collagen and elastin you produce… as well as how quickly this process slacks off as you age.

    The point is that both external AND internal factors are the combined force which determines how you age. And, while there are a gazillion ways to improve the rate of your external skin aging (more on that later), it's the internal factors that determine you skin type. And this can also have a major effect on how your skin matures.

    Firstly, What’s Your Skin Type?

    While there are many skin concerns like dehydration, acne, sensitivities and aging, there are only really four main skin types. And these are dry, oily, normal and combination. If you’re not entirely sure what yours is, here’s a quick trick to help you find out.

    First, cleanse your face with a gentle cleanser like Soothing Cleansing Milk then pat it dry and leave it for anything up to an hour – with no moisturizer, no serum, nothing. After this time stand in front of a well-lit mirror and examine your face while touching it with clean hands. How does it feel and what does it look like? If it feels tight and itchy and looks dull and maybe even a little flaky, it’s dry. If it looks super shiny and feels greasy to the touch, it’s oily. If it’s a bit of both it’s combination, and if it looks totally a-okay then you’re one of the very lucky few with normal skin.

    OK, So How Does Your Skin Type Affect Aging?

    The first thing to know is that sebum isn’t directly related to wrinkles. Yeah, we know, and we’re sorry, but just because you have oily skin that produces more sebum than your dry skin friends, you’re not going to get fewer wrinkles as a result. You may have been told otherwise when you were suffering with excess oil and breakouts as a hormonal teenager, but it’s simply not true. Wrinkles are caused by a loss of strength and stability in your skin when collagen and elastin production slow down. Not by a lack of sebum.

    However, there is some good news if you’re of the oily persuasion because sebum contains skin-loving components like squalene and fatty molecules which help lock in hydration to keep your skin more moisturized and better protected from the outside world (check!). Oily skin is also inherently thicker and more plump than dry skin which provides extra padding (again, check!) and makes fine lines and wrinkles far less pronounced (ditto!). You’ll probably notice fewer visible lines and crinkling over your forehead and cheeks, for example, where sebum is often at its most prolific.

    Dry skin, on the other hand, is usually thinner and lacks the same level of natural moisturization. This makes it less voluminous and can highlight the appearance of lines and wrinkles. But while dry skin types might notice fine lines and wrinkling more than oily skin types, your skin is usually less likely to suffer with enlarged pores and poor skin texture as it ages. So there’s that.

    What about normal and combination skin types? Well, you’re going to slot in somewhere between the two.

    But, wait, because aging isn’t only about lines and wrinkles. In fact, it encompasses a much larger range of changes in the skin like more prominent pores, a lack of firmness, thinning skin and dark spots.

    So, does your skin type affect these changes, too? Actually not so much. Your genes play their part, for sure, determining how quickly your skin’s fat content decreases, sebum production slows down and blood vessels become thin and fragile, but external factors are often the defining factor here. Problems with uneven pigmentation, for example, are more commonly due to fluctuating hormones, skin damage and, surprise surprise, sun damage.

    Your Best Line Of Defense Against Aging Skin

    All this is good to know, but you can’t do much about your genes and your skin type so we believe it’s better to concentrate on the things you can change. Therefore, here’s our essential checklist for healthy aging, whatever your skin type.

    1. Use The Gentlest Skincare For Your Skin Type

    It can be tempting to throw tons of active ingredients and harsh products at your face when there are so many to choose from (and this is especially the case if you have oily skin), but don’t do that. Gentle ingredients are the best, combined with carefully curated formulations that have been specifically created with fragile, aging skin in mind. Our new Collagen collection, for example, is an incredible way to strengthen your skin’s barrier function for healthy, maturing skin. It even includes a brand new Collagen Boosting Skin Supplement to help promote natural collagen production. Winner.

    2. Eat Well

    Overloading your body with sugar, salt, processed foods and refined carbs leads to harmful compounds in your skin that break down collagen, screw up elastin and age you up lightning fast. A better plan? Stick with a balanced diet that’s high in omega fatty acids and antioxidants to feed your skin from the inside out.

    3. Do Not Smoke

    Tobacco contains so many harmful substances we can’t even begin to list them here. Just know that smoking seriously impacts your skin, ruining its texture, tone, elasticity, firmness and even affecting its color. According to the American Osteopathic College of Dermatology, the skin of a 40-year-old heavy smoker can look similar to that of a 70-year-old nonsmoker. We’ll just leave it at that.

    4. Protect Your Skin From The Sun

    Did we mention that the sun is the biggest cause of external aging in ALL skin types? Thought so. Then protect your skin every day with topical antioxidants found in our fan-favorite Vitamin C Facial Serum and follow this with a good slathering of broad-spectrum sunscreen. This should be standard practice. No arguments.

    5. Sleep Well

    Sleep is super important for your skin because while the rest of your body gets some valuable rest-time, your skin gets busy repairing and regenerating itself for another day. Blood flow increases to nourish it with valuable oxygen and nutrients; cell turnover and collagen production accelerate to bring fresh, healthy skin cells to the surface, and antioxidants kick in to help defend your skin from damaging free radicals. Without this vital period of rejuvenation your skin stands no chance in the war against aging, so try to get between seven and nine hours every night.

    The moral of the story? While you can't change your genes or your inherent skin type, there are plenty of lifestyle habits you can rethink to help your skin age beautifully.

    Now, where's that sunscreen again?...

    Does Your Skin Type Determine How You Age?
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  • 8 Awesome Beauty Gifts For Valentine’s (Or Galentine’s!) Day
    Because even if you hate the season of hearts and flowers, it’s always nice to treat your most-loved people to the gift of awesome skin.

    Valentine’s Day is one of those times of the year – you either love it (no pun intended) or you simply could not care less. Then there’s Galentine’s Day which, thanks to ‘Parks & Recreation’ became a thing way back in 2010. And we kid you not, it really was that long ago.

    Now, the haters are always gonna hate, but no matter how you feel about the season of love, showing your favorite people how much you care about them is always a good idea. So whether you want to honor your high school bestie, offer thanks to an awesome new ‘mom’ friend or celebrate your partner with treats you know they’ll adore, skincare is the perfect gift. PS: Yes, we’re biased. And no, we don’t care.

    For Anyone Who Loves To Be Influenced

    Packed with her favorite TruSkin products, the Exclusive Kylie Bundle by Kylie Cantrall is the bomb for all-round glowing skin. Containing Soothing Cleansing Milk for the gentlest facial clean-up, Rose Water Refreshing Facial Toner for an instant spritz of nourishing goodness, the classic Vitamin C Facial Serum for gorgeously glowing skin AND a cute message from Kylie herself (because why not?), it won’t fail to light up someone’s day. And their skin for that matter!

    For The Die-Hard Skincare Fan

    Anyone who knows anything about skincare knows that a great complexion isn’t only about cleansing, moisturizing and protecting your skin from the evil ways of the sun. Sure, these beauty habits are super important, but what goes in your body is just as vital as what you put on your skin. Know someone that is really into their skincare routine and likes to ensure they’re doing everything they can to maximize their best skin? Then they will love our new Collagen Boosting Skin Supplement. Chock full of clinically-proven ingredients to help promote natural collagen production – which is literally everything for healthy skin – you might want to think about adding two to cart. One for them… one for you.

    For Those Who Needs A Skincare Shake-Up

    Do you have that one person in your life who needs to switch things up in their skincare routine? Ha, don’t we all. And our Daily Essentials Trio is just the ticket. For starters it comes with our best-selling, award-winning Vitamin C Facial Serum which is a fan favorite for many good reasons. You can read all about it here but let’s just say once tried, it’s a keeper. Together with Peptide Eye Gel and Vitamin C Brightening Moisturizer this three-piece gem promises to fine-tune any skin type with zero hassle.

    For Guys & Girls Who Love To Glow

    Face scrubs are fine, but for truly radiant skin that almost glows from within, a more non-abrasive approach is what most derms and skin experts recommend. Chemical exfoliation can come in many guises – from professional chemical peels to at-home face masks – but our favorites are leave-on treatments. How so? Because you smooth them on after cleansing and then let them do the hard work for you. And we’re nothing, if not all for an easy life!

    Fancy spreading this important message to your nearest and dearest? Then furnish them with our incredible 6% AHA, BHA + PHA Liquid Exfoliant which works deeper and harder than any face scrub, without leaving the skin painful and irritated. Which is no joke if you know how that feels.

    For The Person Who Loves A Set

    We recently launched an entire new range of healthy aging products called Longevity and, together, they make for a pretty awesome gift set – even if we do say so ourselves. Skin aging can be an annoying thing to deal with but it happens to everyone, so we figured, why not embrace it with a complete skincare range to help you age gracefully and beautifully?

    The Longevity collection includes a Rejuvenating Serum, Depuffing Eye Cream and Renewing Moisturizing Cream and each fabulous product contains bakuchiol, nature’s incredible alternative to retinol. You’ll also find other skincare greats such as hyaluronic acid, snow algae and lingonberry stem cells in there to complete the healthy aging regime. Gift them all. Then wait for the thanks to come back in droves.

    For Your Favorite Gym Bunny

    Some people love to spend hours on their skin, while others have no time for that and prefer convenient, effective products that help keep their skin healthy with no effort involved. Know that person? Good, because they will adore our Ocean Minerals Super Toner. Turbo-charged with glycolic acid, peptides, vitamin C and one of our favorite lesser-known ingredients, MSM, this toning spritz is the perfect wake-up call for tired, sad skin. It’s a beauty for revving up the skin after working out. Or as a post-cleanse treatment. Actually it’s great any time.

    For The One Who Lives For Bedtime

    Show us an adult who doesn’t love their bed and we’ll give up coffee forever. Actually we won’t but still, bedtime is the best time, right? And anyone who loves their bed is probably equally as enamoured with their kick-ass, night-time skincare ritual. Well, have we got the perfect treat for them. It comes in the shape of Vitamin C Deep Hydration Night Cream and it’s the ideal way to restore, rejuvenate, nourish and moisturize the skin overnight. An extra punch of vitamin C also ensures the skin wakes up revived, bright and fresher than ever.  

    For The Health Enthusiast

    An all-in one super serum that floods the skin with vitamins, minerals, electrolytes and more? No, this is not a drill – our Multi-Vitamin Facial Serum is all that and more. But wait, you understand the benefits of vitamins and minerals, but electrolytes? What do they do to the skin that’s so special? One word: hydration. And lots of it. And we call that the best gift for radiant, healthy skin. 

    8 Awesome Beauty Gifts For Valentine’s (Or Galentine’s!) Day
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  • 5 Ways To Take Your Bedtime Skincare To The Next Level
    Are you looking to give your skin more than the basic (but vital) nighttime cleanse and moisturize? Goody, then you’ve come to the right place.

    Picture the scene: you’re getting ready to turn in for the night and going through your pre-bedtime motions. PJs are on, teeth are cleaned, hair is brushed (just us then?) and your face and neck have been cleansed and moisturized. All good stuff. But is a basic cleanse and moisturize really enough to encourage great skin? Or can you do more?

    Nighttime is actually a super important time for your skin because while the rest of your body is at rest your skin gets crazy busy trying to heal itself from the pressures of daily life. Day after day things like pollution, stress, a less-than-ideal diet and UV radiation produce damaging free radicals in your skin which, if left to their own devices, attack collagen and elastin and ruin your skin’s youthful mojo. Of course, topical antioxidants like vitamin C plus that all-important sunscreen are great ways to ward off free radicals but still, some of them are going to get through, and your skin needs time to recuperate.

    The good news is that all of this rejuvenation and reparation happens overnight when you’re sleeping. When your body rests, blood flow to your skin increases, collagen production accelerates, your natural antioxidant system kicks in and your skin’s barrier function restores itself ready to fight another day. If you miss out on your valuable sleep, therefore, your skin is starved of enough time to get all of this important work done. And your skin will suffer because of it. Studies show that people who get between seven and nine hours of sleep each night generally have way healthier skin than those who sleep for five hours or less.

    There is no one perfect nighttime skincare routine that suits all, but you can definitely do more for your skin than wash your face and slap moisturizer on before you hit the sack. Don’t get us wrong, cleansing and moisturizing morning and night is great – and extremely important – but why stop there when just a couple of extra minutes could result in so much more for your skin?

    Read on for five ways to up the ante in your nighttime skincare routine… and enjoy way better skin as a result.

    1. Give Double Cleansing A Go

    Let’s get one thing straight: double cleansing isn’t always necessary and can actually be too stimulating if you use harsh, overly drying products. However, if you choose your products wisely and like to wear a good amount of makeup during the day or are prone to particularly oily skin that feels pretty grimy by the evening, double cleansing can be a very effective way to give your skin the clean slate it deserves before bed.

    What is double cleansing? Well, it simply means cleansing your skin twice. First, you use an oil-based cleanser to remove makeup and sunscreen, then you followed this with a water-based formulation to wash away other surface debris and help target your skin type or concerns.

    Being gentle is always the preferred way to cleanse and it’s even more important when you’re doing the job twice. So avoid harsh ingredients like sulfates and parabens because these can really over-do it, leading to excessive dryness, irritation and even breakouts. All of our cleansers are free of such nasties, so don’t worry, we’ve got your back.

    Also, don’t forget your neck. It’s just as important as the rest of your face and often goes unloved. That’s a mistake you don’t want to make.

    2. Try An Exfoliating Treatment

    Most people exfoliate in the morning in a bid to freshen up and brighten their skin ready for the day. And this is great. However, exfoliating in the evening is also a fabulous way to help lift away any impurities from your skin to allow the rest of your nighttime skincare routine to penetrate your skin more effectively. It’ll also kick-start the regeneration process which happens overnight, encouraging cell turnover and boosting collagen production. Nice touch.

    After cleansing, try our new 6% AHA, BHA + PHA Liquid Exfoliant which is totally non-abrasive and specifically formulated with sensitive skin types in mind. It combines three of the best exfoliating acids for brightening skin tone, unclogging your pores and creating a more even, smoother texture. What’s not to love?

    Apply it two or three times a week, but remember not to use it on evenings when you’re applying a retinol product – that combo can be way too stimulating for your delicate skin!

    3. Target Your Biggest Skin Concerns

    OK, now it's over to you to think about what your skin really needs. And this is where targeted facial serums come into their own. Do you want to nix pesky breakouts? There’s a serum for that. Maybe you have some pigmentation you’d like to get to grips with? Yeah, there’s a serum for that, too. Basically, whatever your needs, a facial serum has you covered.

    Serums are an incredible way to incorporate potent, active ingredients into your skincare routine because they’re thinner and more lightweight than regular moisturizers. This means they’re able to deliver ingredients way more effectively, targeting your specific issues by getting underneath the surface where all the good stuff happens.

    We have plant-powered, science-backed serums to cater for all tastes, skin types and concerns. From our awesome Peptide Facial Serum which is perfect for hydrating the skin and targeting premature aging through to our Tea Tree Super Serum+ for brightening and clearing out your pores, rest assured, we’re here for you.

    4. Show Your Eyes Some Love

    The skin around your eyes is thinner and far more fragile than the rest of your face. It also contains fewer sebaceous glands so it can feel and look pretty dry without due care. This is why eye creams are such a great choice for helping to nourish and hydrate the skin while warding off fine lines in this delicate area. And applying one at night is very wise.

    Tapping eye cream around your eyes before bed gives your skin something to help kickstart the regeneration and rejuvenation process. Big thumbs up for that. Not only that, but if you apply it in the morning, it can interfere with your under eye concealer and makeup, whereas there’s no chance of that at bedtime.

    Sure, you’re welcome to apply an eye cream both morning and night – as long as you give it a good few minutes in the morning to sink in before applying makeup – but if you prefer one or the other, nighttime is your best bet.

    Try our new Depuffing Longevity Eye Cream to target aging and help reduce dark circles and pesky under eye baggage.

    5. Moisturize Your Lips & Hands

    Taking care of the skin on your face and neck is obviously vital before bed. But it doesn’t stop there. In fact, nighttime is an incredible time to give your hands, lips and even your feet a little extra attention. They’re going to be still (for the most part) as you sleep, plus they're totally surplus to requirement for at least the next seven hours, so what better time to lavish them with moisture?

    Apply a rich, buttery cream or lotion to cleansed hands and feet just before you jump into bed, and smear your favorite lip balm over your lips. Make sure to apply it just over the edges of your lips as this area can often feel the driest.

    And we're done here.

    Skincare Routine
    5 Ways To Take Your Bedtime Skincare To The Next Level
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  • Are You Applying Your Eye Cream Properly?
    It might seem like a simple question but do you really know how to apply your eye cream? Because if you get it wrong, you could be doing more harm than good.

    When it comes to an effective skincare routine, eye cream sits firmly in the same camp as facial toner – you either do… or you don’t. Those that do apply their eye cream morning and night would never have a bad word said against them (hear hear!). And those that don’t have probably read or heard somewhere that eye creams are a bit, well, pointless; that, truthfully, they’re no different to regular moisturizers.

    Oh how wrong they are.

    Eye creams are actually quite different to regular face creams. This is because they’re specifically formulated to treat the thin, dry, delicate skin around your eyes which, consequently, can be the first area of your skin to age. Sure, eye creams are moisturizing, but they need to be way gentler than regular face creams while also working hard to target eye-related issues like dark circles, dryness, fine lines, dehydration and puffiness. On that note they're often chock full of moisturizing botanical oils like evening primrose and sweet almond oils, but are balanced with fewer active ingredients or, at least, lower concentrations of active ingredients as well as minimal irritants like preservatives and synthetic fragrance.

    We're big fans of eye creams here at TruSkin and count them as integral players in the quest for awesome skin. However, it’s important to know what you’re doing when you apply this delicate little flower, because slathering yours on with zero effs given can result in some seriously bad times for your skin.

    How To Apply Your Eye Cream: The 5 Golden Rules

    Read on for five lessons to remember if you want to get the best results from your eye cream.

    1. Always Apply Eye Cream To Cleansed, Toned Skin

    Fresh, clean skin is important when applying any kind of skincare product. If you don’t clean your skin first dirt, oil, makeup and bacteria can build up on the surface, blocking pores and encouraging breakouts. Not only that, but if your skin has a layer of unwashed debris on the top, how’s any kind of product supposed to penetrate your skin and take care of business? Well, it won’t.

    Wash your hands first, then cleanse your entire face and eye area, using a gentle formulation like Soothing Cleansing Milk. Follow with toner and your favorite face serum, then it’s time for your eye cream – after serum and before moisturizing. Applying your eye cream first helps keep any ingredients in your face cream away from the delicate skin around your eyes. And that's important if there’s something hiding in there that this area of your skin might not be cool with.

    2. Don’t Use Too Much

    You know those words that are often written (but ignored!) on the back of your skincare product? Yeah those. Well, they’re there for a reason; to help you get the best from your product. So read them and follow the advice, OK?

    When it comes to eye cream one of the most common mistakes is using too much product. Why is this such a big deal? Well, overloading this delicate area can be too much of a burden on your skin, leaving the area feeling super greasy. It can also exacerbate puffiness, which is not the look we imagine you were going for.

    Eye creams always come in small packages so take that as a not-so-subtle hint that less is, without fail, always more. Approximately a pea-sized amount of eye cream should be the sweet spot for the upper and lower eyelids of both eyes, but read the instructions and do as you’re told. Lecture over.

    3. Gently Does It

    Some skincare products are made to be massaged into the skin. Not eye cream. The area around your eyes is extremely fragile (did we mention that already? Sorry, not sorry!) so you have to treat it with much respect. We recommend using your ring fingers – or even your pinkies – because this instantly reduces pressure and friction on your skin without you even thinking about it.

    Also, always pat rather than rub the product around the eye area. Heavy-handedly rubbing or massaging eye cream into your skin can quickly make your skin sore or inflamed.

    4. Give Your Lashes Some Distance

    While it goes without saying that you should never apply eye cream to your actual eyes, you should also take care not to go too close to your lashline. Most eye cream formulations contain oils which can creep into your eyes when your body temperature increases, causing irritation, redness and weepy eyes if applied too closely. Stick to the orbital bone area only.

    5. Allow Eye Cream A Good Minute To Absorb

    While we would never expect you to spend hours on your skincare routine every morning and night – because, you know, life – whizzing through your regime can do your skin a real disservice in both the short- and long-term. It’s much more prudent to give products time to settle and absorb into the skin before moving on to the next one.

    And eye cream is no exception. After you’ve patted your product all around the eye area, give it a minute or two before moving on to your moisturizer, sunscreen and makeup. This will give it time to seep in and will also help avoid your makeup from pilling.

    Finally, as with all skincare products, consistency is everything so apply your eye cream regularly – morning and night – for the best results. And be patient. Rome wasn’t built in a day, yes?

    Eye Care
    Are You Applying Your Eye Cream Properly?
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